Tuesday 3 April 2018

Green Tea Can Loosen Weight

Green tea ñ a product of brewing from the leaves of a plant named Camellia Sinensis. This kind of tea is said to have multiple health benefits that is very advantageous to the human body. One of the many benefits of green tea is that it can enable to enhance metabolism inside the body, thus, burning fat faster than usual. With daily consumption, there is a hundred percent possibility of losing weight in no time. So you can eat all you want without feeling guilty on gaining additional adipose tissues because with just one cup of green tea, it washes away your worries.

But wait, there's more.

The beauty about green tea is that is not fermented unlike other teas. Which is a good thing because it doesnít take away the most important elements that is essential for keeping the body healthy. That would include the fat burning compounds.

There are three steps in the processing of green tea namely heating, then rubbing and lastly, drying. There are also different kinds of tea like: baked green tea, dried green tea, fried green tea and steamed green tea.

Nowadays, green tea is becoming more popular in coffee shops or in grocery stores because of its major benefits that consumers are discovering. Even coffee shops are including a wide variety of natural green tea flavors in their menu for greater choice. Green tea has become an alternative to orange pokoe. Why all the changes and consideration in favor of green tea? Because youíre pouring the way for a healthier longer life.

Green tea is one of the active ingredients that is used in numerous weight loss products. According to researches, thermogenesis, fat oxidation and increased energy expenditure are just some of the result of what green tea can do to your body as an effective product for weightloss.

Whatís in a tea?

Green tea possesses anti-oxidation effects which are  highly effective. This antioxidant is called as epigallacatechin gallate which is a compound that is also know as EGCG. EGCG is from polyphenol that has the capacity to burn fat effectively. According to a research from Switzerland, drinking at least three cups of green tea regularly can cause 80 percent of calories burned without even increasing the rate of heart activity and ruling out the caffeine content.


If you still have no idea what an antioxidant is, read on. An antioxidant is a kind of ìgoodî chemical that can be found in plants. Antioxidants are kinds of substances that can protect a personís body from free radicals. Free radicals are fragments of special molecules that damage the body in its cellular level. Hurting the body through the cellular level will have great negative effects by making the body more vulnerable to diseases that are degenerative like heart diseases and cancer. Antioxidants work by deactivating free radicals thus, minimizing the amount of damage that it can do to the body.

For centuries now, green tea has become the pride of China because of the many benefits it can contribute. No wonder the Chinese take pride in their tea. It is now considered as one of the most popular medicinal beverage that the world has recognized.

Green tea can refresh, enlighten, soothe, promote inner happiness, calmness, stimulate and more importantly, promote a healthy lifestyle.

Tea: Varieties And Grades Of Green Tea

If youíve ever shopped for green tea, no doubt youíre aware that there are a vast number of choices. There are green teas from many regions of the world, and many varieties, grades and flavors from each region.

Green tea was likely the first kind of tea. About 3000 years ago in China, people plucked fresh tea leaves and let them dry in the sun before storing them. In the 8th century, tea processors began using the evaporation process, and by the 12th century, they began sautÈing the leaves. Basically, green tea came about before tea processors learned the methods associated with processing black tea.

Even today, green tea is one of the teas left in its most natural state. Unlike black tea, green tea is unfermented. This lack of fermentation leaves the chlorophyll in the leaves, so that they retain their green color. Green tea also retains more of its natural anti-oxidants as a result of being unfermented. This makes green tea a far healthier choice than black tea.

The natural anti-oxidants in green tea hold a great deal of power for protecting our health and preventing disease. Anti-oxidants are important to our health because they neutralize free radicals. Free radicals are created in our bodies as a by product of digestion. These oxygen containing molecules damage our cells and DNA if left unchecked.

A diet rich in foods such as fruits, vegetables and other plant products like tea, helps rid our bodies of free radicals before they can damage our bodies.

In recent years, there has been an abundance of research showing that long term drinking of green tea can protect our bodies from many forms of disease, including cancer, heart disease and high cholesterol. Green tea has also been shown to be an effective weight loss supplement as well as a natural way to help regulate insulin levels. More research is needed, but itís very likely that as time goes on weíll find more and more health reasons for making green tea part of our everyday lives.

Classifying Green Tea

The many different varieties of green tea are classified, in part, by the method in which they are dried. The five methods of drying green tea include:

ïStir Frying - Fresh tea leaves are sauteed in a pan. This process is mainly used for export teas. Stir frying gives green a strong fragrance and taste. Some common varieties of green tea that are stir fried include gunpowder teas and Dragonwell teas.

ïRoasting ñ Tea leaves are dried in a roast basket or roast chest. In most cases roasted teas are used as the basis for flower scented teas. Roasting keeps the leaves intact and makes them appear as though covered in a white fluff. Monkey king teas are roasted.

ïSemi-roast and semi fry ñ Sometimes the stir frying and roasting methods are combined. This method is used in order to retain the beautiful look of a roasted leaf combined with the strong fragrance and taste of stir fried tea.

ïSolar drying ñ This is the age old method, whereby leaves are dried in the sun. Today these leaves are typically used as the basis for compressed teas. These are the ìgreen tea cakesî you sometimes see.

ïSteaming ñ The leaves are steamed at a very high temperature to dry them. The most famous steamed green tea is Sencha.

Within each of these varieties of green tea, there are also quality grades. It can be very difficult to determine, however, the quality of tea youíre buying, because each country has different grading methods. China, which produces more green tea than any other country in the world, grades their green tea something like this.

First, teas for export are graded according to the age of the leaf and the finished shape of the leaf. These categories include gunpowder, imperial, young hyson, hyson, twankay, hyson skin, and dust. Within each of these categories there are several quality grades; sometimes as many as nine grades within one leaf shape.

With all the complicated categories of green tea, it can be difficult to know which ones to dry. Understanding the different drying methods and how they affect the flavor of the tea will give you a good start, as you can select varieties dried in the method that produces the taste you prefer. However, when it comes to selecting the best quality of this variety, you have little to go on. There are a couple of ways to spot good quality tea:

ïForm - Loose tea is higher quality than bagged tea. Whether itís black tea, green tea or white tea, you can bet that the lowest quality leaves are the ones used in tea bags. For good tea, always buy loose tea.

Price of loose green tea is really inexpensive, itís probably not very good quality. Shop around to get a good idea of a fair price for good loose green tea so that you can accurately judge prices.

Reputation of Tea Company ñ One of the best ways to ensure that you get good tea is to buy from a tea company with a reputation for selling only the highest quality teas. This is particularly important when shopping online.

Itís true that there are many varieties of green tea. But, thatís what makes trying green tea so much fun! Thereís almost no end to the many flavors and nuances you can find in the different varieties of green tea. Youíre sure to want to try them all!

Monday 2 April 2018

Drinking Tea

The second most consumed beverage behind water is tea. Interestingly enough the 3,200,000 tones of tea produced worldwide come from only one plant species, named "camellia sinensis." But how a plant becomes a beverage? Tea is made by steeping processed leaves, buds, or twigs of the tea bush in hot water for a few minutes, a great variety of tea tastes, aromas and colors can excite even the more skeptical drinker. If you do like tea drinking, but simply never had the opportunity to learn more about it beyond the fact that you enjoy it, you should know that there are thousands of kinds of tea offered on today's market. Shades in flavor derive from the region of cultivation and the method of processing the tea leaves. It is the processing techniques that produce the four simple tea categories are considered the art of tea making. In its most basic form, processing is the taking of the raw green leaves and deciding whether or not, and how much oxidation (or fermentation) should take place before drying them out. Oxidation is the reaction of the enzymes contained in tea leaves when they are broken, bruised or crushed.

The first category is that of black tea. Black tea is nothing more than the leaves of the camellia sinensis after being exposed to 8-24 hours of open air. After the leaves are picked up they are spread out to let the water they contain evaporate. You have probably witnessed it happening to a flower that is left without being watered. The foliage curls up and begins to dry. After this part of the process, the tea leaves are balled into rolls that encourage oxidization. When fully oxidized, the leaves turn into a rich black color. Tea producers then put the tea leaves into the final drying period before sorting and packaging them.

Oolong tea is another tea category and is considered to be the most difficult of the four types of teas to process. The best way to describe oolong tea is that it is somewhere in between green and black tea. This is because the leaves are only partially oxidized during the processing. As with black tea, the leaves are spread out to dry for 8-24 hours, but after that, they are tossed about in a basket in order to create a bruising and partial exposure to the air. The final step involves steaming the leaves, which neutralizes the enzymes in the tea and prevents further oxidization.

Green teas, like white teas, are closer to tasting like fresh leaves of grass that the other two tea categories. This type of tea is also lower in caffeine and has higher antioxidant properties. The whole process of creating green tea revolves around preventing oxidization from taking place in the leaves. Though the tea leaves are sometimes laid out to dry for a few hours, then, in order to neutralize the enzymes and prevent further oxidation, the leaves are steamed or pan fried. It is this very technique which results in the preservation of the enzymes which have recently become the focus of medical research. After steaming, the leaves are rolled up, still quite green in color.

Finally, white tea has recently become a popular item in the west as it is the least processed tea and thus tastes the most like fresh leaves or grass. White tea is made of the little buds of the tea plant. Again like green tea, white tea is steamed or pan fried to prevent any kind of oxidization, and great care is taken to avoid bruising or crushing the tea. The dried buds have a silver-like appearance because the tiny white hairs of new growth are still present.

Sunday 1 April 2018

Chinese Black Tea Information

Also called by many as ëred teaí, the Chinese black tea has been enjoyed by the Chinese tea drinkers and the world for centuries. Its popularity is even soaring these days and I guess the primary reason for that is many believe that the Chinese black teas harbor profound and promising health benefits.

Chinese Black Tea Basics

As the name implies, the Chinese black tea originates in China and has long been used by the Chinese as part of their daily meals.

The brewed black tea ranges from reddish brown to black in color. According to some resources, one of the most obvious characteristic of the Chinese black tea is that it mellows with age and grows richer and deeper in flavor.  The vintage black teas in particular are deemed superlative, boasting flavors and aromas that conjure up the same adjectives used to distinguish fine wine or whiskey.

Storing Chinese black tea is simple. It is usually kept in a well-ventilated place and the tea requires no temperature regulation. Also, unlike the other teas, Chinese black teas come in compressed cakes with a variety o shapes and sizes. It could be round, square, and even bamboo-like tubes.

Types of Chinese Black Tea

According to different processing methods, Chinese black tea can be divided into three different types:

1.Souchong Black Tea ñ This is a unique type of black tea that grows at the Wuyi Mountain City in Fujian province.  According to some experts, the pine-smoking fragrance of Souchong black tea is much different from any other black teas in the world. And, according to different producing area, this variety can be classified into four types:

ï Tongmuguan Souchong which is produced in Tongmuguan county
ï Lapsang Souchong, produced in ChongíAn, Jianyang, Guangzhe
ï XingChun Souchong, produced in other areas which around Xingcun town of ChongíAn county
ï Smoking Souchong, which is not from Wuyi Mountain City

Of these mentioned subclasses, the Lapsang Souchong is considered the best, offering longan flavor. The Smoking Souchong, on the other hand, is made from low grade congou back tea and is processed by imitational method as other Souchong black teas.  Also, the smoking fragrance of this type is exactly coming from the burning brushwood of pine plant.

2. Congou Black Tea ñ This Chinese black tea type evolved from the Souchong variety.  The most famous congou Chinese black teas include the Qihong of Anhui (Keemun black), Dianhong of Yunnan, Suhong of Jiangsu, Chuanhong of Sichuan and Huhong of Hunan.

3. Broken Black Tea ñ Finally, this type is also called ìgraded black teaî for the reason that there is international uniform grading standard for this type of Chinese black tea. Well, according to different shapes, the broken black tea us classified into four subtypes: the whole leaf black, with short strip shape; broken leaf black, with small grain shape; fannings black, with small slice shape; and dust black, with powdered shape.

It is interesting to know that the origin of Chinese black tea is ChongíAn, Fujian. This place is actually the city of the Wuyi Mountain today.  In souchong black tea was firstly manufactured in the Wuyi Mountain in the last of 18th century. Following that, the congou black tea came to life. Since then, the manufacturing technique of black tea was brought to Jiangsi province, then to Keemun.

Saturday 31 March 2018

Caring For Your Tea Kettle, Its Functions And Uses

Tea kettles started back as far as when tea was first discovered in Mainland China.

Although these exquisite tea kettles were used for the sole purpose of boiling water to prepare tea; nowadays its function has extended as useful kitchen wares seeping tea leaves.

These kettles come in various types from traditional tea kettle to modern stainless steel tea kettle. Some tea kettles' sole purpose is for boiling water only, however, some are intended to be ìconversation startersî because of its beautiful style and design.

There are many types of tea kettles such as cast iron tea kettle, electric tea kettle, ceramic tea kettle, stove tea kettle, contemporary tea kettle, and whistling tea kettle.

Just make sure that the dish soap is diluted with water though, especially if you are using a particularly strong agent.

Caring for your tea kettle is not difficult. For many types of tea kettle, a gentle soap and water is enough. For cast iron tea kettle care with rust inside, you need to take a small piece of cotton cloth and wet it. Add a tablespoon of salt into the bottom of the kettle together with a small amount of olive oil. Rub the bottom of the kettle with the mixture in it to remove the rust.

One misconception among users of cast iron tea kettle is to never use dish soap on cast iron tea kettles. But the truth is, there is not a better cleaning agent out there than the good old dish soap to remove rust inside cast iron tea kettles. If you are using a strong agent, make sure that the dish soap is diluted with water though.

Whatever your purpose is for having a teapot or whatever the type of tea kettle you choose to have, you can assure of its elegance and satisfaction. Now, itís just a matter of brewing your favorite tea, sit back, relax, and enjoy the pleasurable benefits that this tea brings to every home.

Friday 30 March 2018

Cancer Prevention and Green Tea Intake

Green tea drinkers are said to be less susceptible to cancer than non-drinkers. This has already been proven by some clinical studies. You see, green tea is quite popular for many years now. The ancient Chinese are known to drink green tea because of its many health benefits and now, more and more people all over the world are drinking the amazing tea. Cancer rates in countries that consume a large amount of green tea are much lower and that is according to statistics. The polyphenol content of green tea is said to effectively fight cancer cells from developing. 

Animal tests have proven that green tea can help in reducing the formation of certain tumors in the skin, bladder, esophagus, ovary, pancreas, and prostate. The results were due to the antioxidant properties of green tea. EGCG or epigallocatechin is the primary polyphenol which has anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties. Other polyphenols also have the same properties which can prevent skin cancer and even skin tumors.

The growth of cancer cells in the esophagus is also typical but drinking green tea can suppress the growth of such cancer cells. Studies regarding esophageal cancer produced different results. Women tested to drink green tea were protected from esophageal cancer but the other group was susceptible to it. The study concluded and recommended that futher studies should be conducted with regards to esophageal cancer.

The human bladder is another vital organ in the body. Again, researchers are trying to prove if there is a connection between the consumption of tea and bladder cancer. Clinical studies among women proved that bladder cancer was prevented vy drinking gree tea and another clinical study among men with existing bladder cancer had higher chances of survival when green tea was introduced into their diet.

The pancreas can also benefit from the anti-cancer properties of green tea. Both men and women who drank green tea were less prone to pancreatic cancer; however, further studies should be conducted by researchers before they can recommend it for prevention of pancreatic cancer. Then there's the ever increasing number of ovarian cancer patients. Conclusive studies in China among ovarian cancer patients proved quite effective. With one cup green tea everyday, the patients lived longer.

Test tube lab studies also proved that green tea can prevent prostate cancer among men. So far, the studies in different types of cancer gave positive effects when green tea was introduced. by simply increasing the quantity, frequency, as well as the duration of taking the tea, the development of cancer can be prevented.

Cancer has always been a health problem in different age groups. For many years, doctors and researchers have fought against cancer and finally, they came up with an excellent remedy that is not very expensive. So while you're still young and healthy, make sure you drink green tea everyday. Make it a part of your diet, whether you're trying to lose weight or not. There are a lot of  benefits of taking green tea and if you want to achieve a much healthier body, start taking it now. Commercial green tea are widely available, as well as the supplement forms. If you want to take the supplemets, you can ask prescription from your doctor.

Although this may mean additional cost on your part, the money you'll be spending is much lesser than having to go through a cancer medication program. Help fight cancer; drink your green tea everyday. Just in case you want to be extra sure, ask your doctor about the health benefits you can derive from tea and you'll be surprised if your doctor agrees with you in taking green tea.

Thursday 29 March 2018

Can Tea Help Prevent Food Poison?

There are dozens of variations of food poison, and none of them are pleasant. One of them is Bacillus cereus. While not usually life threatening, this common form of food poisoning can cause diarrhea, nausea, cramps and vomiting. Symptoms usually appear 8-16 hours after exposure to the bacteria, and can disrupt your life for a few days.

Bacillus cereus is usually caused by improper cooking. The problem can be exacerbated by improper refrigeration, which just allows the spores to further grow. Cooked rice that is improperly refrigerated is one of the most common carriers of bacillus cereus.

However, researchers are learning that there may be ways to protect our bodies from the ravages of such bacteria. It appears that teaís catechins may protect our bodies from bacteria like bacillus cereus. Tea has far more anti-microbial properties than previously realized.

One particular study reported by the UK Tea Council evaluated the anti-microbial activity of seven green tea catechins and four black tea theaflavins, both important anti-oxidants. They also evaluated actual infusions of 36 commercial black, white, green and oolong teas, as well as herbal teas.

These anti-oxidants and infusions were evaluated to determine their anti-microbial activity against bacillus cereus. This study concluded that all eleven of the anti-oxidants evaluated contained anti-microbial properties.*

In fact, most of the compounds were more active than medicinal antibiotics such as tetracycline or vancomycin at comparable concentrations. The study also concluded that the brewed infusions of true tea that contained these catechins and theaflavins also had anti-microbial properties as well, particularly freshly brewed infusions. However, herbal brews did not have anti-microbial properties.

So, just what does this mean to our real life? Well, it means that drinking tea can protect your body against certain harmful bacteria like bacillus cereus. If we consume tea on a regular basis, we may be able to ward off these harmful bacteria before they wreak havoc on our bodies.

The presence of the anti-oxidants in tea may be enough to keep us from getting sick from these bacteria, or at least be sufficient to lessen their effects.

This is likely just the tip of the iceberg. We already know that green tea prevents many serious illnesses, such as heart disease, Alzheimerís disease and some forms of cancer.

And, if weíve determined that it can kill bacteria such as bacillus cereus, then thereís certainly potential that it can act as an anti-biotic against other harmful bacteria, as well.

Certainly it has been determined from this along with many other studies that tea is an important part of living a healthy life. In Japan, the medical community recognizes green tea as a known cancer preventative, and itís likely that medical communities in other countries will soon follow suit.

This information, combined with the other studies that have shown green tea to be effective in preventing heart disease should be enough to convince us that drinking a few cups of green tea each day is a simple way to protect our health.

But, why is does it seem that so many of the positive findings are associated with green tea, and not black tea too? Well, it stems from the way the tea is processed. While the study noted here on the anti-microbial activity of tea didnít find a difference between the two, in most health studies green tea beats black tea every time.

Black tea is fermented during processing; green and white teas are not. The fermentation process changes the anti-oxidants in the tea from their natural, original state, into a slightly different compound.

While black tea is still healthy, and still contains important anti-oxidants, the more natural anti-oxidants in green and white tea are far more powerful.

The research done so far has mostly been performed on green tea because it is much more widely consumed. However, it is likely that researchers would find that white tea is just as healthful, since its anti-oxidants are preserved in their natural state, just like those in green tea.

Green tea first gained notice as a health preserver because of the much lower incidence of heart disease and cancer in Asian countries, where green tea is a staple. Scientists decided to back up this anecdotal evidence with research and the findings have been astonishing.

In addition to evidence suggesting that green tea protects our health, there has also been evidence to suggest that green tea may even be effective as an alternative cancer treatment. Some studies have shown that green tea slows the growth of certain cancers.

Other studies have shown that administering green tea along with chemotherapy makes the chemotherapy more effective than when it is administered alone.

So, it appears that green tea may be one of the most promising natural health products we can consume. As time goes on, and more studies are conducted on human subjects, weíll learn more definitive information about this wonder beverage.

Itís amazing to think that something many of us have been drinking all our lives just for the taste could hold so much power to protect our health.